Do You Know Your
Dental Insurance Plan Limitations?
To begin, we would like to highlight a misconception: dental insurance plan is not designed to pay for all of your dental care. Your dental coverage is not based on what you need or what your dentist recommends. It is based on how much your employer pays into the plan. Employers generally choose to cover some, but not all of employees’ dental costs.
Our fees are based upon a combination of our costs, our time, and our consistent dedication to providing our patients with the highest quality of dental care. Thus, there is often a discrepancy between the amount covered under your policy’s UCR schedule, and the actual cost of the procedure. The discrepancy is the patient’s responsibility.
Annual Maximum
Frequency Limitations
What is Pre-existing Conditions
Least Expensive Alternative Treatment (LEAT)
As always, feel free to contact any member of our staff for clarification on services, billing and insurance